Halloween looks a bit different this year with social distancing and COVID-19 restrictions, but that doesn’t mean it’s cancelled completely, which is good news for kids (and parents!)
You can still carve and decorate pumpkins, make handmade decorations for your house, participate in a virtual Halloween costume contest, or get smart about Trick or Treating.
To make the last part easier, we’ve figured out some tips about how to modify getting spooky this year while still being safe.
Wear a Mask and Limit Face to Face Exposure
One of the things that Trick or Treating and COVID-19 safety has in common is wearing a mask! Keeping 6 feet apart and wearing a mask decreases the risk of spreading the virus.

Here are some spooky masks from SavorDesigns.
Wrap Goodie Bags or Treats up Individually
Skip the high contact candy bowl this year and instead wrap up individual goodie bags for neighborhood kids. This way, kids can come to the door and get awesome stuff, without putting themselves or their parents at risk.

Check out these pre-packaged Halloween treat ideas from The Keeper of the Cheerios
Travel in Groups of 3-4 at Most

On Halloween Night, many families travel about in packs as they go around the neighborhood. This year that just isn’t a good idea. Keeping trick or treat group sizes small will help keep everyone safe.
Talk to Your Neighbors

Reach out to your neighbors before the big day to see if they’ll be practicing safe Trick or Treating, that way you can map out a route that you can trust. It’s just one more way to have peace of mind.
Kids have had it hard this year. Celebrating Halloween is something they could look forward to. Practicing smart Trick or Treating means that they still get to have their holiday, and stay safe this ghoulish season.