City of Salem Announces Planned Road Closures for October 2021
The list below outlines the planned and anticipated road closures for October in Salem, including lot closures and traffic impacts from planned special events. The Salem Police will close roadways at any point if they determine they should be closed for public safety reasons.
Note that while there are currently road closures planned downtown for Sunday, October 31, starting no later than 4:00 p.m., there is a high likelihood that some closures will be made on Friday, October 29 & Saturday October 30 and potentially on Friday, October 22 through Sunday, October 24, as well. Any closures or changes will be announced and posted at www.
October 2021: Planned Road Closures and Parking Restrictions
October 7: Grand Opening Parade
The Haunted Happenings Parade starts at 6:30pm The following streets will be closed to vehicular traffic at 6:00pm:
- Essex Street from Hawthorne Boulevard to New Liberty Street
- Front Street
- Central Street at intersection of Front Street and Charter Street to the Pedestrian mall
- Lafayette Street between Derby Street and Klop Alley
- Charter Street (Salem Housing Authority residents will still have access to their parking lot)
No Parking – Tow Zone Areas
A parking ban will be in effect on October 7th on the following streets between 4pm and 9 pm. Any vehicle parked in these areas will be towed:
- Essex Street from Washington Street to Hawthorne Boulevard.
- Front Street both sides from Washington Street to Lafayette Street. (*No parking may start earlier on this street.)
- Parking meter spaces at the intersection of Charter Street, Front Street, and Central Street.
Garage Access
The Museum Place Garage entrance will only be accessible from Church Street or St. Peter Street.
October 2 & 3, 9 & 10, 16 & 17, 23 & 24, and 30 & 31:
The following streets will be posted as No Parking zones:
- Washington Square North (Common Fence side only).
- A portion of the metered spaces along Hawthorne Boulevard.
- Metered spaces along Lafayette St. by Fire Headquarters (October 23, 24, 30 & 31).
Essex Street from Hawthorne Boulevard to New Liberty Street will be closed to through traffic and no on-street parking will be allowed from 9am to 10pm every Saturday and Sunday. Essex Street from Barton Square to Washington Street closures will be assessed by the Police Department each weekend. If this portion of the street is closed to vehicular traffic, vehicles will be rerouted to Barton Square to reach Washington Street.

October 16: Salem YMCA Witch City 5K road race starts at 9 am at the Salem Willows. No road closures are planned, however anticipate traffic impacts along the following roadways: Memorial Drive, Essex Street, Route 1A, Route 114 including Hawthorne Boulevard, Derby Street, and Fort Avenue, ending at Restaurant Row.
October 23: Devil’s Chase road race starts at 8am at the Salem Willows soccer field on Fort Avenue. No road closures are planned, however expect traffic impacts until 10:30 am along the route. Route: Restaurant Row (Tennis Courts) to Memorial Drive to Szetela Lane to right to Walking Path before Webb Street. Webb Street left to Andrews Street crossing Washington Square into the Common, exiting at Forrester Street. Washington Square East right to Essex Street, left onto Little Hawthorne Boulevard. Left on Derby Street to Fort Avenue to Winter Island Road. Winter Island Road back to Columbus Square, turning right to Columbus Avenue, right onto Bay View Avenue, left onto Beach Avenue, and left on to Sutton Avenue. Right onto Bay View Avenue, right onto Willows access road, follow walking path around the backside of the Willows by the yacht club, exit back on to Restaurant Row, follow straight up Memorial Drive, right at Szetela Lane to stay on Memorial Drive, left onto Fort Avenue, left onto Memorial Drive by soccer field to finish.
October 31: Halloween events will include multiple road closures and heavy traffic impacts for the entire day and night. Visitors are strongly encouraged to take the commuter rail or ferry to get to Salem. Do not plan to drive into downtown Salem. Expect major traffic impacts on Route 114 and Route 1A. Downtown streets will close to all traffic no later than 4pm. Road closures include: Essex Street at Crombie Street and Barton Square to Union Street, Washington Street from New Derby Street to Bridge Street, Federal Street from St. Peter’s Street to North Street, Washington Square North and West from Essex Street to Brown Street, Hawthorne Boulevard, Derby Street, Route 1A, Congress Street near Pickering Wharf, Charter Street, Central Street, Front Street, and Lafayette Street from New Derby Street to Front Street. Bridge Street at Sgt. James Ayube Memorial Drive will also close to all traffic between the westerly overpass ramps and Sgt. James Ayube Memorial Drive from 9:30pm to 11:30pm for the closing fireworks.
All information above is subject to change. The Salem Police Department will close any street at any time if they determine that a public safety issue exists.
Please note: the MBTA Garage will be closed from 6:00 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. on Halloween night, and possibly on October 30. Cars will not be permitted to enter or exit between these hours.